My Sprirtual Side


My star will shine for all mankind to see
For love & peace be the essence of me
I am a king in my own universe
Therefore after God I am first
My existence is guided by the most high
I stay true to my insistence that he is the reason why
I give words of encouragement, which is nourishment to one’s soul
Love & peace be the essence of me; that is the beauty you now behold
It was God’s word that I first heard that helped me to form this poem
Though some try to fracture my character they can’t because I know him
My spirit wont be broken because to me God has spoken you see
Yes, love & peace guided by he simply be the essence of me.

Written by
Emerson Welch
 As I wake in the morning I look up in the skies
To thank the lord above for yet another sunrise
You see when things aren’t going the way I want them to
I hold my head up high and I count my blessings too
Cause when all else have failed me he has never let me down
So for love and understanding it is he for whom I shout
Because he is the one who helped me to see the light
So when it’s dark and wrong I know he’ll make it right
I put it all in his hands knowing it he will take
And begin my day giving thanks to him… As I wake.

                                                                   WRITTEN BY
Emerson Welch

My Poems

Though my poems are original, my messages are not subliminal
If positive vibes be a crime, then I be a smooth criminal
So take a look at my blog and you'll see the evidence
God lives within me, so the poems are heaven sent
No need to have a trial, I'd rather just give a confession
I love the lord and I am thankful for his blessings........Amen.

Written by
Emerson Welch
There is no right or wrong when one chooses to write poetry
Still, I choose to write positive vibes so strangers even know its me
They say, "there he goes again saying what I needed to hear"
"His words nourishes, encourages and inspires me to perservere"
Perhaps thats because others did it for me which helped change my life
And so I thank God I can now make a difference with the words I choose to write
Words that paint my Facebook wall is applied most days
Though I am not a vocalist, on my wall I sing his praises........Amen.


  Every night before I go to sleep
I thank you lord for watching over me
For you guide me through the day and you keep me at night
You are the center of my universe; you are the reason I have life

Your love has changed me in a positive way
Which is why I now give thanks to you each and everyday
As I receive your guidance I know I am blessed
And so my sins though deep within to you I shall confess

I know you’ll correct me; you’ll protect me because I’ll always respect thee
So when I can’t find my way on any given day I know it is you who’ll direct me
You have shown me daily that your love will never fail me, which is why I love you so
Lord, please continue to watch over me so spiritually I’ll continue to grow


Written By
Emerson Welch

God Is Grateful Too

 I went to work one morning and upon arriving, there was an urgent message delivered by a co-worker. The person speaking frantically does their best to describe what is transpiring at my home. Since I left my son home sleeping I too am now beginning to panic.

I raced back home as quickly as humanly possible to find that many of the residents have escaped the burning building I only minutes before called home. The biggest concern I have is not for the material things that are burning in the apartment building but instead is for my son who at this point is unaccounted for.

Then suddenly out of nowhere, a man whom I’ve never seen before races past the line of police and fire personnel and into the building to try and help save those trapped in the fire, thereby putting his own life at risk. Initially I thought the person has got to be suicidal. But that opinion quickly changed when the man emerges from the smoke and flames with my son in his arms. 

I am now overcome with joy upon realizing that my son’s life has been saved. It was saved by a complete stranger who cared enough about people he had never met to risk his own life. So now that feeling of joy I initially felt has now turned to gratitude. After all, this perfect stranger did the ultimate good deed for my son. He saved his life. I am now eternally grateful to this person.

It is then that I began to think about the Bible again. The Bible clearly states, “Man is created in the image of God”. Since I am among the many people who believe that “ the image of” is not limited to appearance, I must believe our heavenly father feels grateful when we help each other too. After all, we are his children.


Written by
Emerson Welch
The “most high” guides me through the day and keeps me through the night
I will always keep believing that he is the reason I wake to see morning light
In him my faith will endure because of his friendship I am sure you see
This is the unique way I chose to say,…….."Yes!… Jesus loves me."

Written by
Emerson Welch

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