Tuesday, December 4, 2012



If I were to take the day off because my favorite contestant won the biggest prize on the most popular game show, wouldn’t the average person consider me crazy? I agree. So with that in mind, I guess it would be easy to understand why I think it is absolutely insane to take a day off to celebrate a hometown sports team winning a championship. Particularly when 99% of the team are multi-millionaires. I think the team and its owners should throw a parade in our honor for being such loyal fans. Saturday or Sunday would be a good day.

                                                                                                                                written by
                                                                                                          EMERSON WELCH,

It's Hard To Take You Seriously


It's hard to take you seriously when I know you treat life as if its a joke
It's hard to take you seriously when you can't even remember the promises you broke
It's hard to take you seriously when you say you could do something but never bother to prove it
It's hard to take you seriously when you say you know how I feel about something and you never even been through it
It's hard to take you seriously when you say you really, really care for me

It's hard to take you seriously when you have never shown you'd be there for me
It's hard to take you seriously when towards me you continually show neglect
It's hard to take you seriously when in my faith in God, you simply have no repsect.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Key To Happiness

The Key To Happiness

In order for us to unlock our own happiness, we must all realize that we hold the key
That’s why I can’t deny that I can now confide that the joy I search for is within me
No longer will I wait for others to accept and appreciate me for I am
I consider it their lost if they can’t understand that I am a damn good man
A man who encourages others to forgive and at times even to forget
To live their lives in a way so that towards the end of the day, it is not filled with regret
Writing words that are enlightening when they are heard truly makes me happy
I am so glad I found the key within me; now I can show it for the world to see.

Written by
Emerson Welch

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Man That I Am

The Man That I Am

Being the man that I am in this great land
I know that my existence is part of God’s plan
So when I can help others through writing, I do it because I can
In the dark my words provide lighting, so all may see to understand
That we are all here for a moment, seems like a short life span
We should spend our time encouraging and uplifting our fellow man.

Do well and be well my Brothers and Sisters

Written by
Emerson Welch

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Evolution Theory VS. Holy Bible = No Contest

The Evolution Theory VS. Holy Bible = No Contest

When I think about some of the lessons I learned in school at a young age, I can’t help but think about certain topics. The topic that I really thought was a waste of time was the Evolution Theory.  You know the theory of which I am referring to. The one that says man evolved from monkeys and gorillas over thousands of years.

I also think about the times we went to Sunday school. I remember learning about Adam & Eve. We were taught that God created man and then from Adam’s rib, he created a woman. The Holy Bible never stated nor implied that God made monkeys or gorillas and called them men and women. The Holy Bible specifically says “God created man in his image”.

There are plenty of learning institutions that still teach this theory as fact. What amazes me most is that some of those same institutions also have Bible study as part of the required curriculum.

I not only have a strong disbelief in the Evolution Theory but I also believe those who teach and believe in it can’t possibly believe in the Holy Bible. You see the fact is the Evolution Theory directly contradicts the book that is sacred to all Christians. I am a Christian. With that in mind, I must proudly say, “I believe in the Holy Bible”…………… What do you believe?

Written by
Emerson Welch

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Last Conversation



I once had a conversation with a young man who was heading down what I believed to be the wrong path. Although I had never seen him use drugs, the signs were as obvious as the sun setting on the most beautiful of days. It was sad to see the light diminish from eyes that were so bright with potential.

On a warm summer day, I decided I would try to make a difference in his life any way I could. I decided I wouldn’t give up on him just as my loved ones never gave up on me. Though I’ve never used drugs, I too was headed down the wrong path. Fortunately a detour called unconditional love intervened and I believe I’m back on the road to a full productive life.

The next time I saw the young man, I asked him if he had a moment to spare. He said “sure, why not”. So we sat down and began to talk about sports and the neighborhood.

Eventually the conversation changed to something a lot more serious. We began to talk about life. We also spoke about things we’d like to accomplish. I had him right where I wanted him. He was finally thinking about the future. His future.

This is what was said during the last part of the conversation:

Emerson: If you had twenty dollars and I only had one dollar, would you gamble with me?        
Young man: no! of course not!
Emerson: why not?
Young man: because I’ve got more to lose than you.
Emerson: oh, I see. Do you value your life more than you value your friends?
Young man: of course I do. Their just people I hang out with. So of course my life is more important to me. I’ll always love myself more.
Emerson: I’m glad to hear you say that.
Young man: what’s up with all these weird questions? I mean like exactly what are you trying to say.
Emerson: actually you said it all.
Young man: There you go again. Would you please get to the damn point. I don’t have time to sit here and try and figure out what you mean.
Emerson: You don’t have to figure out what I mean. You already know.
Young man: look I’m outta here, I told you I don’t have time for this stuff right now. I have to go pick up something for mom.
Emerson: o-k, o-k wait I’m sorry… Look you did say that you wouldn’t gamble with me because you had more to lose than me?
Young man: Yeah!  So for the last time, what the hell is your point???
Emerson: Young man didn’t you say you value your life more than you value the lives of the friends you get high, I mean hang out with? Because if that’s what you said, then I’m sure you must think you have more to lose than them. I mean after all, your smart enough to not gamble with me when I had only a dollar to lose. I’m also sure that you realize that you are gambling with your life when you smoke; I mean hang out with your friends. It’s a gamble. Though you don’t see it now, you are definitely losing. The fact is, you will not survive if you keep doing what your doing.
Young man: look I have to pick up something for mom. I should have picked it up already. Are you finished yet?
Emerson: Yeah…Yeah, I’m finished. I just hope your not.
Young man: Alright man. I guess I’ll see you later then.
Emerson: Yeah, Peace.

I knew the young man didn’t have to pick up anything for his mother. His mother had long been deceased for for a short time now. He had forgotten the fact that I attended her funeral a few months earlier.

Unfortunately, I was right in my suspicion that the young man was in fact going to satisfy what had started as a weekend habit but has now evolved into a daily addiction.  I suspected but I could do nothing to stop him. His desire to do whatever he wanted do to was greater than my ability to stop him.

The young man was later found lying face down in the street unconscious. When I arrived on the scene, he was barely breathing. Though I’m not a doctor I checked for a pulse. If there was one, I couldn’t find it.

When the paramedics arrived, they performed CPR. It was too late. They covered him from head to toe. The young man was pronounced dead at exactly 5:36pm.. The official cause of death was drug overdose.

I am still trying my best to forget the look on his face when we found him in the street. It was almost as if at the end he was thinking about the same thing I’ll never forgot.
I believe he was thinking about… The Last Conversation.

Written by
Emerson Welch


Monday, July 16, 2012

Drunk Driving


You’re a drunk driver on the highway
In your lane, you cannot stay
You see you went out and then you drank a lot
You saw red light and you didn’t stop
Cause you were going too fast, your car began to swerve
You ran a red light and hit a little girl
Police arrived but you weren’t there
You left the scene like you didn’t care
But in reality you didn’t realize
The consequences when you drink and drive
So you take another sip to get you home
You get there and you’re all alone
So you fall asleep until the very next day
What went on? you cannot say
You just over the sink throwing up
And now you wish you hadn’t drank so much
You’re stomach is saying pop pop, and fizz fizz
You need relief and you need it quick
The next thing you know there’s a cop at your door
He said, “Where were you the night before”?
Well you were surprised so you tried to lie
You told him a story he did not buy
And so he charged you with hit and run
Now a little girl’s life is done
So don’t drink and drive, and don’t drive and drink
Alcohol affects the way you think.