Thursday, June 1, 2017

Special Is The Lady..........

Special is the lady who knows her worth
is not defined by her beauty
Special is the lady who loves her child unconditionally and is proud of that fact
Special is the lady who rises after she falls
though others bet against her 
Special is the lady who is a friend to others  when others aren't friends to themselves 
Special is the lady who leaves a lasting fragrance though she wears no perfume
Special is the lady that can tell if a man loves them enough to appreciate them
Special is the lady that doesn't need a man to pay her bills because she does it
Special is the lady that can be there for a man if he is there for her
Special is the lady who stands her ground while others are just sitting down
Special is the lady who can seduce a man without ever taking off her clothes
Special is the lady who commands respect because she first respects herself
Special are the ladies who read this and know I am referring to the very essence of who they are. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

That Moment When.......

That moment when you realize you thought she was the truth but she was really full of unnecessary lies
That moment when you accept that fact that she never really cared for you and it is no longer a surprise
That moment when you reminisce about the special moments you shared and then realize it was only special to you
That moment when you remember when you thought she loved you and suddenly came to realize you didn't have a clue
That moment when you realize that all the nights we'd talk about the things we had in common was for her probably a joke
That moment when the pain begins to subside when you understand that she was probably laughing when on the phone we spoke
That moment when you remember the times she said she was coming to see you and the time simply never came
That moment when  you figured out that she never intended to spend time with you like she would often claim 
That moment when you stop trying to count the birthday or Christmas gifts that you  would ultimately never receive
That moment when you realize and accept the fact that the love you thought you shared, she never believed
That moment when you think back of all the games you played against each other and had no idea she was just playing with your heart

That moment when you realize that she is somewhere smiling primarily because she is truly happiest when we remain apart.