Thought For The Day

Does Hunger Pain Exist?

When we stay we sometimes have hunger pains, I honestly believe we are misinterpreting our feelings. After being hungry recently, I have figured out what I actually felt. In addition to the empty feeling I had in my stomach, there was a unmistakable sense of embarrassment as my stomach made unusual noises as it cried out for food. I must admit, I felt absolutely no pain at all
Emerson Welch


If a person disagrees with me when I say we all seem to think we are invincible, all they would have to do is look at the number pf people using cell phones. It has been published many times over that we are exposed to low-level radiation when we use a cell phone. Though the term “low-level” is used, when we use cell phones continuously over a short period of time, we are increasing our exposure to radiation.

The radiation from cell phones is concentrated around the antenna of the cell phone. The antenna just so happens to be the closest part of the cell phone to our brain. Thereby increasing the chances of us getting brain cancer, which has been caused by over exposure to radiation in some people.

We should all make an effort to purchase and use the earpieces while talking on our cell phones. If we all did that, I believe we would decrease the likelihood of our us and our families having to endure the pain caused if we became sick with brain cancer.

Though most of us are aware of this, we still talk on the phone as if we are shall I say, invincible? As if we really believe it can’t or wont happen to us
Written by
Emerson Welch

Is Bingo Gambling?

According to the English dictionary the definition of gambling is: to play games of chance for stakes or to risk something of value for possible profit.

With that in mind, I am forced to believe that some of our religious institutions are at the very least hypocrites. I say that because most churches say we shouldn’t participate in gambling of any kind, yet they sometimes organize bingo games on Tuesday & Saturday nights.

The bingo games they organize definitely fall under the definition of gambling as outlined above. Perhaps that is a contributing factor to the state of our society today. I say that because I’ve ask myself and others “where is a person with a gambling problem to turn when the place that should be supporting him or her spiritually is sending conflicting messages”?

Written by
Emerson Welch


Profanity, Is It Necessary?

 I often wonder what some people are thinking when they use profanity as a way to emphasize a point they are trying to make. Especially those people who choose to use profanity excessively. I am referring to those people who curse in almost every sentence they use.

I now attribute that type of behavior to a weak vocabulary. Perhaps that is the only way they can express themselves. I also think that by using profanity they not only disrespect those listening but they disrespect themselves as well.

I am especially saddened when I am in the company of an elderly person who has to endure the profanity-laced ramblings of a teenager. It is then that I silently wonder what has happened to the respect we always showed our elders? I have no answer. Though, I must admit, I feel like we are failing as a generation.

I really believe that if we stayed in school longer many of us wouldn’t have to resort to the use of profanity. At the very least, I must believe we would all search for and eventually find alternative ways to express our emotions. Thereby alleviating any and all pain caused by disrespecting others as we disrespect ourselves in this manner. 
Written by
Emerson Welch

 Though it is hard to believe, there are actually people who think sex is just a waste of time. Quite honestly, I disagree. I think sex, when practiced safely by two consenting adults who are in love is the most enjoyment two people can share.
 People who think sex is a waste of time, probably haven’t found a person they care enough about to engage in sex. Therefore, they are not getting any. So obviously they feel the whole thing is a waste of time. Personally I believe people should think before they speak. If we all did that, then we would know that to think and then say sex is a waste of time is just that, a waste of time. Lies are always a waste of time.

Written by
Emerson Welch

 Black vs. Black Game

It’s the quiet before the storm and our ship is steady sinking
And I refuse to conform to the way some people are thinking
You see as a race we’re going nowhere fast because we don’t know our past
It’s a mystery to me, why we don’t study history you see; so our freedom won’t last
While some live in obscurity we live in a false sense of security and we don’t even know it
We’ve been taught to hate one another by others; our actions now show it
I know I might sound strange enough but I’m gonna change it up no doubt
All the daily deceivers and all the non-believer’s check what I’m about
I’ll help stop the black on black crime by changing the contents of our minds
So you can clock me, watch me but if you dare try to stop me you too will find
That this descendant of Africa doesn’t have the temperament you expect
I‘m no fool, I went to school so I conduct myself to command respect
Since my family relies on me to be a productive member of society, I have but one choice
To work hard everyday as I lead the way and though I am silent, I speak with a loud voice
While others are wishing, I get people to listen and give up their lives as molesters
Because this black vs. black game only brings shame to the memories of our ancestors
And in silence I’ll teach as I wake from my sleep with the love I’ll show my fellow brothers
I’ll do it to prove it to myself and no one else despite the perception of others

Written by
Emerson Welch

Christopher Columbus

 Sometimes I wonder what would people think and say if a few of my closest friends and I went uninvited to a person’s house, evicted them and then claimed that I discovered the house.

I bet they would probably do the unthinkable. They would probably call me “Christopher Columbus”.
Written by
Emerson Welch

Not Knowing

When a man looks at another man and doesn’t like him despite the fact that he doesn’t know him, it is because he sees something about that man that reminds him of his own inadequacies.

So with that in mind I guess one would agree with me when I say, “ blessed is the man who meets everyone with an open mind”. He is a man who is confident within. Therefore there is no need for misguided antagonistic feelings.

So the next time you see someone you don’t know perhaps you should think about whether or not you are:

A.       The man with misguided antagonistic feelings.
B.       The blessed man with an open mind.

Written by
Emerson Welch


I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for emergency medical technicians (EMT). They perform a great service to the communities they serve. Often times they save lives when the odds are not in a sick person’s favor. They are heroes in a world where all too often our judgment regarding people we should honor and respect is misguided. In other words, I think we take them for granted. That is something I have now made a conscious effort to correct. I do so by thanking all EMT’s I speak to, for all they do in our community.

Unfortunately, even the most beautiful bunch of apples have a few rotten ones among them. This is definitely the case with some ambulance drivers. Some drivers will wait until they reach an intersection to put on their flashing lights and sirens.

The worst part about the whole thing as that they really aren’t going to help anyone who needs emergency assistance. They put on the sirens when they don’t want to wait in traffic. I say that simply because as soon as they get past the busy intersection, they turn off the sirens.

If I chose to yell fire in a crowed public venue and there really wasn’t a fire I would probably be arrested. After all, I would be breaking the law. It is against the law to create a panic in a crowded area by yelling “fire”. It is against the law because it could lead to an innocent person being injured as they are trying to escape a fire that doesn’t exist.

I really believe that when an ambulance driver puts on his sirens solely for the purpose of escaping traffic, he is breaking the law. Since he is creating the possibility of someone trying to leave an area in a hurry when an emergency situation doesn’t really exist, he is breaking the law. He too should be arrested

I also think he is doing his fellow EMT’s a disservice. His actions change the perceptions some of us have of EMT’s. I think most of us view those types of actions as an abuse of power.

I, on behalf of everyone that has ever been helped by an EMT hereby say “thank you” for the good things all EMT’s do for the communities they serve. Quite simply put……They save lives.

Written by
Emerson Welch



When the possibility of a particular circumstance or predicament arises and we view it as a problem, I believe we should deal with it as soon as we can. I don’t think we should react to a problem. A reaction we all know is involuntary. Thus we are not totally in control.

If I was hanging from a ledge and I was unable to pull myself up to safety, I would jump rather than fall. I’m sure you are asking, why? Well the answer is simple. If I jump, I feel I have a better chance of landing on my feet. Thereby increasing my chance of survival.

Even if I held on as long as I could, eventually I would fall. In falling I would have absolutely no control of how I landed. With that being the case, the likelihood of me sustaining severe injuries would increase.

I think we should have the same approach to most of life’s problems. We shouldn’t put off dealing with problems or difficult situations. I believe we should deal with them as soon as we realize they exist. Thereby increasing the odds of dealing with them successfully.

Written By
Emerson Welch
Dirty Hands

I really don’t like to go to certain restaurants that allow the cashiers to handle food. I really think that it is an unsanitary practice. Just the thought of someone handling money, then preparing and serving me food repulses me. But should it? Since I am the one paying for the meal it is obvious that I handled some of the same money that the cashier handled. So if her actions offend me, then perhaps I should be offended and embarrassed by my actions as well. After all, I must admit, I am not among those people who wash their hands after paying for a meal at a fast food restaurant.

Written by
Emerson Welch


  If we all take the time to realize and accept the fact that our bodies release metabolic waste in different ways, we would all understand that it is perfectly natural. The two most common ways I can think of at present, is when we break wind (commonly known as farting) or picking our noses.

If doing any of the above is a crime, then we are all guilty. Yet we all seem to get bent out of shape when someone does it in our presence. Why is that? I really don’t know either. But I’ll be the first to admit that if you do those things in my presence, I’ll simply hold my breath while I am adamantly refusing to shake your hand. And I’ll remain that way until the air clears and you wash your hands…. No offense of course.

Written by
Emerson Welch

My idea of getting high is putting my pen to the pad. Yes, I agree it sounds weird but it’s true. I actually get a buzz when I write a poem or an opinion that provokes thought and leads to positive change.

I’ll bet at first glance at the title, one might have thought I was referring to smoking marijuana or using other non-prescription drugs. No!!!  I don’t use that to get high and you shouldn’t either. I get high using something that we all have. It is called creative juices. It doesn’t cost anything. There is only one side effect and that is eventual success. However I must warn that the repeated use of your creative juices in a positive productive manner is highly addictive. Yet there is never a need for detoxification. Nor does it impair your ability to function on a daily basis. Try it, it’ll be the best high you’ve ever had.

                                                                                                                                     Written by
                                                                                Emerson Welch


I often wonder what makes people drink alcohol as much as some people do. I mean some people drink it to the point where it directly impairs their ability to become or remain productive members of society.

I have also noticed that some of those same people also lose their sense of hearing. Or so it seems. I say that because a lot of people seem to speak louder than usual after just a few alcoholic beverages. Perhaps the Food and Drug Administration should demand that the manufactures of those beverages put that warning on the label.

Loud talking is a form of noise. Since noise is a form of pollution, I believe in its most disturbing form (consistently above 85 decibels) it is and should be considered illegal. I really believe that in some cases the loud ramblings of someone under the influence of an alcoholic beverage should be considered illegal and should be dealt with accordingly.

I realize it is likely that others don’t share this sentiment. Fortunately, I live in a free society, thereby giving me the right to voice my opinion. Unfortunately, that same society allows people to legally sell mind-altering substances, which lead to the behavior described in the paragraphs above.

When will it end? How much longer will we have to endure the behavior of these people who are alcoholic’s incognito? How much longer???

Written by
Emerson Welch

Life’s Experiences

We should all realize that our life’s experiences in the past,

 often determine what type of people we are now, and will

become. Perhaps then and only then would we try

to make the experience in life for others more pleasant.

In doing so, we would be displaying our appreciation for

life to our heavenly father………. Do you appreciate life?

                                                                                                                                            Written by
                                                                                                                                EMERSON WELCH
A Crying Man
Though men are seldom seen crying, we do cry. Most of us cry on the inside. All men, myself included have what is commonly referred to as a sensitive side. It’s a part of ourselves that we do our very best to keep private. I believe we do so primarily because we have been influenced by the society in which we live.  Society says men should be strong both physically and emotionally. Since society influences more of our thoughts and opinions than we’d ever care admit to, many of us view crying as some type of weakness. In reality it is anything but.

The fact is, crying is the opposite of laughing. They are both natural responses to a given circumstance or experience. So with that in mind, we should all laugh when we are amused and cry if we feel to cry. We should do so despite what we have been conditioned to think or feel. Simply put, we should all do what is natural.

Written by
Emerson Welch

The Media

I feel the media should consider the possible damage that is being done by some of its programs. Particularly to our young children, who are so very easily influenced.

They must be told, because they are obviously unaware of the fact that if our children hear certain words on TV they are more likely to repeat them.

The most common bad words are DAMN, BITCH and ASS. I wonder if one of the children of one of the network executives in charge of programming were to use those words in their presence, what would be their response. I mean suppose one of their children saw a lady and then said, “DAMN that BITCH got a nice ASS”. I may be wrong but I believe the child will probably get slapped. And well he should. Or should he? After all they hear it on TV so they probably think its o-k to use those words.

The media should also make a concentrated effort to show the entire story when they show acts of violence. When a person is killed on TV I feel the same program should show the pain that is caused by such an act. Otherwise people really don’t understand the consequences of these actions. Thus the value on human life is greatly diminished.

These are the messages that are being sent to our youth. The media should accept their responsibility. They should make the necessary changes to benefit our children. After all, they are our future.

                                                                                              Written by
                                                                                      Emerson Welch

If we all took a good look at the some of the things that are going on around us everyday, perhaps we would all realize that unfortunately, the title above is true.

History says that man literally tried to destroy a race simply because they were different. History also says that man imprisoned and enslaved another because one thought the other was inferior to them. Unfortunately that idealism still exists today.

There are scientists who study at the very best schools to learn how to create bombs. They create bombs to kill as many people as possible at one time.

Some chemists also study for years to create chemicals that are detrimental to the survival of mankind. Some chemicals are used for what is commonly known as germ warfare. They are so lethal that if they are released into the atmosphere it can kill the population in an entire city.

The powers that be have performed certain studies and have reached the conclusion that certain commonly used products such as cigarettes, aerosol hair sprays, deodorants, alcoholic beverages, drugs, etc. are slowly destroying mankind and our surroundings. Yet they allow these items and more to be produced. They allow it only because there is a demand for them. Thus they make a profit. I think if they were concerned for human lives both now and in the future, they would find a way to stop helping us kill ourselves. After all, that is against their law .If you don’t believe me, ask the people who are trying to prevent Dr. Kevorkian from doing basically the same thing.

I’ve often heard that money is the root of all evil. I disagree. I believe ignorance is at the root of all evil. The dictionary says the definition of ignorance is, “a lack of knowledge” Therein lies the problem. We are ignorant. We lack the knowledge to understand that our lust for money and other material things along with the hatred in our hearts seriously impede our quest to lead happy productive lives. I would like to think that if we fully understood the consequences of our thoughts and actions, we as a people would try to be less destructive and instead be more productive in the interest of all mankind.

I sincerely hope the people who comprise the government are reading this. For if they are, they can lead the way to a better place for us all. The question is, do they care enough to listen to me? After all, I am just a little known descendant of Africa with an unpopular opinion about this sad truth about everyday life.

Written By
Emerson Welch

Are You Ashamed?

Are you among the many people who are ashamed when you make a mistake or a bad decision? If so, maybe you shouldn’t be. You should only be ashamed if you have made the same mistake or bad decision twice without learning from it. That is not only something to be ashamed of, it is down right embarrassing!!!

Written by
Emerson Welch

The idea of sitting on a boat in the middle of the ocean holding a fake bamboo rod with nylon hanging off the end with a silver plated hook attached, is not my idea of fun. Perhaps it is because I don’t relish the thought of some down on his luck fish committing suicide on my hook.

Written By 
Emerson Welch

Being A Good Father And Dad

When a woman tells a man that she is pregnant and he is the father of the baby, he should do everything in his power to be a daddy to that child. He should do so even if he never intended to spend the rest of his life with the woman. He should also try to be a daddy even if he doesn’t believe her when she says the child is his. He should do so until he proves without doubt that he is not in fact the father. In other words we should do our very best to avoid adding to her stress level. After all, being a good father and ultimately a good daddy, doesn’t begin when the child is born. It should start when the child is conceived.

A child is an innocent result of an action that usually two consenting adults chose to engage in, therefore the child should not have to pay the price which is unfortunately all to common these days. A child should not have to spend his or her childhood or in some cases their entire lives without the benefit of a relationship with their father.

There are some cases when a man simply doesn’t get along with the mother of the child. I think once a man realizes that, the child should be the main focus. Then it will be easier for everyone involved, especially the child.

I believe a relationship between father and child is an important part of a person’s life, particularly boys. After all, it is our job to help them to become men and perhaps even fathers who turn out to be great dads. We should lead by example. The only time a child should grow up with out their father is when the heavenly father calls him home.

Written by
Emerson Welch

The blood that flows throughout the human body consists of red and white blood cells. The primary function of red blood cells is to distribute oxygen to the brain and other vital organs throughout the human body.

The primary function of the white blood cells is to protect the body against any and all foreign antibodies.

In the event that one cell prevents the other from performing it’s primary function, the results can be fatal. The white cells and the cells of color must coexist in order to live productive lives.

This is not only a fact that applies to human biology. It also applies to this society. We as a race (human) must realize this, otherwise it will be fatal to us all.

Written By 

Emerson Welch 

A Crying Man

Though men are seldom seen crying, we do cry. Most of us cry on the inside. All men, myself included have what is commonly referred to as a sensitive side. It’s a part of ourselves that we do our very best to keep private. I believe we do so primarily because we have been influenced by the society in which we live.  Society says men should be strong both physically and emotionally. Since society influences more of our thoughts and opinions than we’d ever care admit to, many of us view crying as some type of weakness. In reality it is anything but.

The fact is, crying is the opposite of laughing. They are both natural responses to a given circumstance or experience. So with that in mind, we should all laugh when we are amused and cry if we feel to cry. We should do so despite what we have been conditioned to think or feel. Simply put, we should all do what is natural.

Written by
Emerson Welch
A Well Rounded Person?

When a high school athlete is rewarded for his accomplishments on the field with a scholarship, he should respect that opportunity by giving the same dedication to his studies as he gives to the sport he excels in. For if he does that, then the likelihood of him having the same success in life after sports is enhanced.

In any given sport, the best player is always well rounded. The player who is one-dimensional has a much shorter career than the one who has several dimensions to his game. Below, I’ll give you a few examples of athletes who are well rounded.

Michael Jordan: Though he was one of the most prolific scorers to ever grace the NBA, he was equally as affective on the defensive end. When he had to, he was able to get the key rebound or pass the ball to an open teammate for an easy score. He was the complete basketball player every basket player now aspires to be.

Muhammad Ali: Most people agree he was one of, if not the greatest boxer of all time. Sometimes the fact that he was so great at the art of boxing (which is hit the opponent more often than he hits you) that we lose sight of the fact that he hit hard enough to knock out 37 opponents. He probably had the best chin in heavyweight history. He was the prototype of a true heavyweight champion.

Walter Payton: He was arguably the most talented running back of all time. He ran with finesse, yet he could break a few tackles on his way to the in-zone, the record books and then ultimately the hall of fame. He could also effectively throw the football. Unfortunately he is no longer with us. In addition to being remembered as a fine human being, Mr. Payton will also be remembered as football player who did it all.

The people mentioned, above all have something in common other than the fact that they were probably the best at their respective sport. They all went on to live productive lives when their sports careers ended. They were able to do so primarily because they had a desire to be as well rounded in their personal lives as they were in their professional lives.

Written By
Emerson Welch, Jr.

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