Monday, November 23, 2015


People who decide to spend time gossiping about others who are living their lives as they see fit, usually don’t have the courage to do the same. Instead, they choose to spend their free time criticizing and judging others.

If you are among those who like to gossip, perhaps you should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Am I where I want to be in life?
  2. Is the time I spend gossiping conducive to me realizing my potential?
  3. Is the potential damage that can occur with gossiping worth it?
  4. Have I prospered in any way, shape or form since I began gossiping?
  5. Is the fact that I choose to gossip directly responsible for me not improving my lifestyle?

If we spend our time gossiping then the questions above if answered honestly may accomplish what they are intended to do. That is simply to provoke thought that will hopefully lead to a positive change in the way we spend our free time.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


In her mind she is asking, who do I think I am? The answer is simple. I am,

Someone who will be with you through your ups and downs when no one else is around

Yeah, I be that man 

Someone who'll encourage your wildest desires and still be the voice of reason whenever it's required 

Yeah, I be that man

Someone who makes it possible for you to smile through your tears while facing all your fears

Yeah, I be that man

Someone who will remind you of your spiritual side through life's bumpy rides 

Yeah, I be that man

Someone who respects your competitive spirit when a lesser man may fear it

Yeah, I be that man

Someone who'll caress you just right at night and hold you till the morning light

Yeah, I be that man

Someone who was attracted to you from the start and always has your best interest at heart

Yeah, I be that man

Someone who can see and appreciate your good intentions because I care enough to pay attention 

Yeah, I be that man

Someone who is willing and capable of giving you that sexual healing when your body yearns for that feeling

Yeah, I be that man

Someone you know you can trust when confidentiality is a must

Yeah, I be that man
Yeah, I be that man
Yeah, I be that man

Any Questions???

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


When you ask a person who at one point said they really cared about you for forgiveness and they choose to ignore your apology, it is because they have forgotten they too have needed to ask for forgiveness at one point or another. That fact combined with the reality that they may have never cared for you in the first place actually makes their unwillingness to forgive you almost predictable................Perhaps that person has an insatiable desire to have someone beg for their forgiveness. The truth is, I have a better chance of winning Lotto twice on one drawing!!!....... Yeah, I know. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

When My Mother Died

                                    When My Mother Died

I cried inside when my mother died
I thought she’d always be with me but to myself I lied
I now know I was wrong for my mother has passed on
Now there are just plenty of wishes as I reminisce about times that are forever gone

I can remember the sincerity in her face
As she told me I was her saving grace
She told me to always search for happiness and to be sure to protect it
She taught me the definition of unconditional love and to always respect it

I’d give anything to have her wake me singing rise & shine again
Or to have her warn me about people I thought were my friends
As she demonstrated a strong belief in faith and she was always courageous
Since I now try to emulate some of her ways, I’d say it was contagious

Although I thank God for the memories, I wish we could create more
Am I needy or just greedy? I am not really sure
Am I needy because I feel lost without mom’s guiding hand?
Or am I greedy because I want her to continue teaching me to be a good man?

I always considered a conversation with mom to be somewhat of lesson
That is why I feel that when I was born to my mother that it was truly my first blessing
These are just a few reasons why
I cried inside when my mother died.

Written by
Emerson Welch

July 31, 2005